A Message from Garcia
This is Susan's husband, Jim. This is just a short post with a brief report of Susan's condition for all her fantastic friends.
Susan's surgery lasted only 3 hours. We had been told to expect a duration of 5 hours. She was out of recovery in less than 30 minutes and spent the remainder of Friday and half of Saturday in ICU. She had a CT early Saturday which showed no bleeding. Her surgeon visited and was pleased with her rapid rebound from such a traumatic event.
Saturday afternoon, Susan was moved to a private room and has been resting comfortably. She is very weak and, although having sensation in her left leg, has been unable to move the leg. From the time she arrived in ICU, she has been "wise-cracking" with the nurses. She says she feels relatively good, with the exception of a headache that comes and goes. Fortunately, the intensity of the headache has decreased markedly since Friday. She rated her pain as 8.5 to 9.0 on a scale of 10 on Friday. Today, she says it started at 2, increasing occasionally as high as 6, but that hasn't been too frequent.
It will be early next week before pathology reports are available for the tissue samples taken during surgery, so there probably won't be much to report till then. Many thanks to all who have been keeping Susan in thoughts and prayers. We both appreciate that more than you will ever know.