Tracksy Web Stats A Knitter's Wonderland: Knitting on Hold

A Knitter's Wonderland

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland) Needles click, how they glisten, cozy sound, as you listen, they’re stuck everywhere, sit down if you dare, welcome to my knitter’s wonderland. Yarn abounds to overflowing, countless books increase my knowing. I need every bit; I care not a whit if there’s no pathway through my wonderland! In an evening I can make a mitten, start a shawl, a sweater, or a hat. But the question to ask any kitten, is “Do you think she’ll really finish that?”

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Knitting on Hold

I finished the pumpkin hat and booties for my third niece's new baby (I have three nieces who all are having or had babies in September/October). I have tried two or three times to put leaves on the booties but they just look silly, so I'll probably send them leafless.

I need to work on charity knitting the rest of the week. Anna Hester, who is in charge of charity knitting for the guild, has offered a prize to the person who brings the most knitted items to the meeting on Sunday. I can make a hat or a pair of booties in an evening so all other knitting is on hold while I see how many little sets I can crank out.

And I have more mobility - thanks to Polly G. She lent me a walker and now I can get around the house without Jim having help me. It doesn't seem like a big deal but believe me, it's great to be able to make a cup of tea, go to other rooms on my own, etc., and not have to interrupt him all the time (okay, he DOES have to carry the cup of tea for me). It allows me a little more independence.

I never did tell you the results of the petscan done in September. It was, and this is what the report said, "unremarkable." When I was going to radiology the other day, I told the receptionist I'd had three cat scans already that morning and didn't see why I needed any others. She looked really surprised and concerned. "Where did you have them?" she asked.
"At home," I said, "I have three cats."


At 11:46 PM, Blogger Prayerful Knitter - Shelly said...

You are witty, Susan. : ) 3 cat scans....had me worried, too!

I'm glad you're more mobile in your home and enjoying your knitting.

I hope you feel better and get stronger every day.

At 7:34 AM, Blogger kay_okc said...

I bet you caught that nurse's attention!!! lol Yes...our kitty babies scan us daily....and notice every odd scent!!

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Carolyn said...

You are just too cute! I love your wittiness and sense of humor...amoung many other things about you! You are amazing! Cat

At 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee hee -- cat scans. I'm sure you gave that nurse a start.

I totally understand why mobility would make such a big difference, are you kidding? Glad to hear the walker is helping you out.


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