Gorgeous Socks!
I love getting surprises in the mail! When I was little, I used to save cereal boxtops, box bottoms, cut out the coupons, and even send money, just so I'd have a continual chance of a daily surprise in the mail. Times change and if I could, I would still do things like that but there doesn't seem anyway to make that happen. Except when someone sends you handmade socks! What a great surprise. This package came today from Ali:

Not only gorgeous socks, but she sent me a skein of her handspun. Her fourth skein to be exact. I have NEVER given any one any of my handspun. I keep every nanometer of it. I am so impressed. And her fourth skein of handspun looks great.
Look at how the colors are plied (well, it's kind of hard to see but there are a lot of colors in this).
The pictures just don't do it justice. It has plies that look like velvet, plies of two or three colors together, just too pretty. It's 96 yards of of blue faced Leister. I'm thinking I should be able to get a cloche or fedora to felt out of it. Would be very pretty I think.
She also included some English Breakfast tea, her favorite scone recipe and some yummy Classic Rose All Purpose Salve. It smells great and I've already rubbed it into my poor, raggidy cuticles.
Thank you Ali!
But before I could take pictures of all these things, Jim had to remove FIVE sparrows from the screen-in porch. Luckily the cats hadn't discovered them yet. Poor little things, they were so scared. Jim propped open the screen door, then walked around the out side and literally herded them to the open door. The phrase "bird brain" takes on greater meaning in situations like this. But they all managed to get out and both Sugar and Rimsky were a little unhappy no one invited them to help.
I'm going to see if our handy man can fix some kind of threshold up to keep them from coming in under the porch door. There's about a three inch gap and it looks about little bird size to me.
I'll be posting some actual knitting I've done tomorrow after guild but wanted you to see my latest socks and some fun handspun.
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