Well, It's About Time!
Today has been wonderful day! We went to this church for the second Sunday in a row and really enjoyed it. And surprise - Wayne and Kathy were visiting there too! So we had lunch together and had a great visit. And I have a chaste tree coming...., so Wayne was checking out the backyard to see where it should go and when he came back in he asked us if we had any bats in our bat house.
Bat house? Bat house? It seems the box on the fence is a bat house (okay, I thought it was something like a toad house until Wayne pointed out that toad would really have to JUMP to get into it). We've never seen any bats (or toads, for that matter) around it but we aren't usually out on the patio at dusk. I'd like a bat or two to move in. Wayne says they eat three times their weight in mosquitoes every night. So we need to entice bats. Guess I'll have to ask Wayne how to do that.
And then, I spent the afternoon beading! I haven't felt this good in over a week.

I apologize for the picture quality. It's hard to get a good picture of beaded items. From the top, a faux turquoise bracelet, a faux turquoise stretch bracelet, a glass bead bracelet, a watch I am experimenting with, and two pairs of art bead earrings. Here's a little better picture of the bracelets.
I'm still really shakey so it took almost two hours to get the bottom two finished. I was twanging jump rings all over the kitchen!
And lest you think I've had no knitterly endeavors, here is a scout master hat in Boy Scout Red I made for a friend who is - tada - a scout master.
I'm also working on another project but since I don't know if she reads this or not, I'm keeping it under wraps until I give it to her. Then I'll post pictures.
Med Update-MRI was Thursday. Great report. The smaller tumor is gone. The larger one has shrunk considerable, and the brain swelling is almost gone too. No other signs of cancer activity, so the radiation did its job. I have another MRI scheduled in two months to be sure the first tumor is gone. If it's not, then we talk about the Gamma Knife but I think the tumor will be gone and I'll be able to get on with my life. I have things to do and people to annoy!
I still have to have a PET scan, probably some time the end of this month. This is the one where they inject you with some kind of sugar (it might be glucose, I can't remember at the moment), then check from the neck down to be sure there are no other signs of cancer in your body. Again, I expect this to come back clean too.
And the steroids. This is the fun part. On Tuesday my doctor put me on Prednesone. The same amount of cortisteriod my body is suppose to normally produce. I was not bad for for a couple of days, then I felt awful. Spent most of Friday and Saturday in bed. And tomorrow, when I check in with him, his plan is to cut the dosage in half and by the week after be off the meds entirely. I expect this next week will be quite interesting.
So glad to hear you are feeling some better. Great news about your tests. I have been thinking about you very often. It's a good feeling to welcome your old self back for awhile, isn't it?
Hugs - Polly
Too bad you have to get the sugar by injection -- wouldn't it be great if the doctor was like, "Ma'am, we need you to eat 3 pounds of chocolate for the purpose of this test"?
I hope you get some bats to move in soon! Although I laughed out loud at the idea of a toad house. I suppose if a particularly ambitious, athletic toad came along he or she could start a whole new trend among the toad community. Seriously, it could happen!
Feel good this week!
Your beading projects are lovely. : ) And I really like the scout master hat, too.
Good luck on attracting bats!
I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better and I'll be praying that the rest of the steroid dosage reduction and discontinuation go as smoothly as possible.
GREAT news about your MRI report! I'm happy dancin' all around the house for you!!!! : )
that's a whole lot of beading-my daughter also loves to bead.
we need a picture of a CHASTE tree?
Like everyone else, great news about your tests. Keep up the good work!
Yay for good news on the MRI!
And for a good day out.
Ooh beading! I would love to try that.
Get all-the-way better soon!
Thanks for your prayers and good wishes. I really appreciate them!
Rachel - Well, I hate to admit this but I don't like chocolate. Now cake and ice cream, that's another story.
Rebecca - Someplace on Wayne's blog is a picture of a chaste tree. It's like a glorified butterfly bush. Very pretty purple blooms.
Rosemary - YES! You need another hobby - LOL! Your podcast was fun.
Shelly - The puppy pics are so cute. How are you feeling?
Susan, I was sooo glad to hear your MRI report and I love the scout hat!
Well, it is glucose but it is radiolabeled so they can see it. So no chocolate, I'm afraid.
I didn't know you bead - gorgeous! And what hand-eye coordination.
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