Knitty Committee
And I took the camera and forgot to take pictures! We had a wonderful turn out today! Around 20 or more. And so great, several women with their daughters or daughter-in-laws came. It's so fantastic to see the next generation picking up the sticks! Cecelia, the lady from the real estate class, also came with her daughter. People were knitting the most amazing things. Becky was working on an alpaca lace scarf that was to die for (you'll just have to take my word on this - I didn't even THINK about the camera), Dolores was working on a gorgeous multicolored baby blanket. Bette had a sock going, Carolyn had a dainty enterlac baby blanket in blue and white, Amanda was ripping out a fun fur hat, Kathy was working on a baby blanket, Abby was learning to knit and Terri M. was working on knitting and PURLING, and that was just my end of the table. I didn't make it down to the other end to see what all kinds of great things were being made!
But I did take some pictures when I got home. The most wonderful thing happened near the end of our time. My dear friend Bette slipped in behind me and gave me the most wonderful pair of socks! I love socks...well I love Bette more! We been friends over 10 years now.
At any rate, Bette made me my very first pair of socks over seven years ago! She brought them to one of my first open houses. I have babied those socks, handwashed them, seldom wore them for fear of wearing them out. Here is the first pair of socks I ever had, made by Bette:
Oh, and I forgot to mention, Beauregard thinks Ms. Lana Lynn, his mom, is too boring. So he had decided if a certain cat can pose with yarn, he can too. He also somehow managed to get a look at Rachel's penguin and hasn't been the same since. I'm thinking we may be seeing lot of him.
And here are the socks I got today:

And watch out for this little guy! He has an attitude that just won't quit. He's sulking because I didn't let him sit on my foot when I took the sock pictures.
The steroid story continues to ebb and flow. Yesterday I was on 1 1/2 today I am cutting back to one and will probably do the same tomorrow. Shelly told me the reason steroids are such a pain is, and I quote:
"The reason it is so difficult to come off of steroids is that your own adrenal glands make cortisol for your body. When you take corticosteroids your adrenal glands just take a vacation and totally quit producing cortisol. Then as the dosage is lowered, your adrenal glands are frequently sluggish to wake up again and start producing your natural cortisol. When you aren't taking a sufficient replacement dose of steroids and when your adrenal glands are still vacationing....that's when the big problems hit! Sometimes it takes a few dosage lowering attempts before the adrenal glands get the hint that it is time for them to get back on the stick and get to work!"
WHO KNEW! She and I are both dealing with steroid reduction and it is not pleasant! But it has to be done and I see no other way than to just fight though it. So we both are! Keep us in your prayers!
And thanks for all your support! It means more to me than you could ever realize!
Glad it was a good Knitty Committee; we had quite a few knitters at our retreat, too!
Those are some fun socks! Hi, Beauregard. He's very cute.
Beauregard is so endearing that I wouldn't mind seeing more of him. Just don't let him get an agent -- once that happens its all demands all the time.
Your socks are lovely, and you're such a gracious recipient that it's no wonder your friends like to knit them for you!
P.S. Let's go, adrenal glands! Rise and shine!
Beautiful socks! Hope you feel better soon!
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