Tracksy Web Stats A Knitter's Wonderland: I-35 - NORMAN!

A Knitter's Wonderland

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland) Needles click, how they glisten, cozy sound, as you listen, they’re stuck everywhere, sit down if you dare, welcome to my knitter’s wonderland. Yarn abounds to overflowing, countless books increase my knowing. I need every bit; I care not a whit if there’s no pathway through my wonderland! In an evening I can make a mitten, start a shawl, a sweater, or a hat. But the question to ask any kitten, is “Do you think she’ll really finish that?”

Friday, March 10, 2006

I-35 - NORMAN!

What a great time we had last night! Great group of ladies, lots of inspiring projects, lots of laughter - just a really fun time! I actually didn't take these pictures. I sat down at one end of the table and didn't move all evening. I fully expected to get to this end of the table but got so caught up in the laughter and visiting at the other end, I just didn't make it.

So I asked Kay to take some pics for me.

Sweet Shelly with her chubby cheeks.

And my end of the table. You can barely see me working on my I-cord. This is Rebecca, Rosemary, Janell, and Angeli.

Angeli had a great idea for my felted bag. She suggested I get a nice button and and just make an I-cord closure for it. So the felting marathon will wait yet one more day cause I have to make MORE I-Cord.

And NO fiber hangover! I have spent a the day on Tylenal because my knees hurt but I listed a house today. And didn't even go back to bed until about 6:30 pm.

Going to Norman was a real energizer. Even Jim commented on how I didn't seem tired at all at 10 pm.


At 9:46 PM, Blogger Emily said...

I'm glad it was so much fun. What a great time.

(Personally I'm kind of listless today because I was so wound up I couldn't get to sleep. But it's a nice problem to have!)

At 11:34 PM, Blogger Prayerful Knitter - Shelly said...

You GO, Sweetie! See, this perky and rowdy crowd is good for us! : )

Wow! Now am I sporting some cheeks, or what? I'll definitely be attending Weight Watchers as soon as I get off the steroids! I think the cheeks are about 8 lbs. each now. : )

As soon as you're up to it, we've got to schedule chatting, knitting, and food!

I'm praying for you always...and I was so thrilled that you, Emily, and Polly made the trip!

Your Pal,


At 8:32 PM, Blogger kay_okc said...

I hope that was just your FIRST time to join us. I want you to come back every time you can!!!

At 8:25 PM, Blogger Rosemary said...

I'm glad ya made it out. I hope to see you more too!


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