Tracksy Web Stats A Knitter's Wonderland: The Baby Blanket

A Knitter's Wonderland

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland) Needles click, how they glisten, cozy sound, as you listen, they’re stuck everywhere, sit down if you dare, welcome to my knitter’s wonderland. Yarn abounds to overflowing, countless books increase my knowing. I need every bit; I care not a whit if there’s no pathway through my wonderland! In an evening I can make a mitten, start a shawl, a sweater, or a hat. But the question to ask any kitten, is “Do you think she’ll really finish that?”

Monday, January 16, 2006

The Baby Blanket

I forgot today was a holiday! In my job, we don't have actual holidays, we have to choose to take a day off. And usually a holiday is the perfect time for others to go out looking at houses so my holidays are often busy. Well, with the exceptions of Christmas Day, New Years Day, and Easter. Those days we turn our phones off.

But it was still pretty quiet. I only did one showing. So I was able to spent some time working on the baby blanket:

I have about 9" done so far - only 20-some" left to do. The picture really doesn't do it justice. The colors are so pale they just don't show up very well. But I'm making it on size 9 needles so it's going pretty fast. And for easy lace-like fabric, you just can't go wrong with the old feather and fan pattern.

I also have been getting back into beading a little. By that I mean, I bought a new beading book and have been drooling over the jewelry. I also found another one I wish I bought so I've got it ready to order from Amazon. It's more my speed. Time is of the essense! (they teach us that in real estate and I've taken it as one of my life's mottos).

And I worked on my writing assignment for this creative writing class I'm taking. Boy, there are a lot of creative people in the world! I've been impressed by several of my online classmates. Their writing ability totally overshadows most of the other class members. At any rate, it's going to be an interesting time.

I'm so excited about the number of OK (that OK as in Oklahoma not OK as in not great) knitters with blogs! I'll be adding them to my daily reading list (no pressure). Just check my side bar for the new arrivals. And if I'm missing someone, please let me know.


At 1:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Baby blanket is so pretty, and the colors do show up online, they are just so delicate! It is going to turn out sooo nice!

At 6:16 PM, Blogger Terri said...

Susan, that's a very nice blankie for someone special!

At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops did I goof something up here. Sorry Susan - can you take it off?


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