Kitty Kandy for Kay
Sugar is a year old. We aren't sure of her exact birthday but we think is was the first of April sometime. Tonight we just decided her birthday could be April 1st, it seems to suit her! Tonight I had to drag her out of a sound sleep so she could help me look at yarn. It didn't take her long to get into the role of Yarn Inspector.

I was going through the cotton Polly gave me, picking out a pretty color to take to KC tomorrow. As you can see, the YI was making sure I picked something suitable.
She liked both of these variegates but I wanted something a little brighter.
The YI samples yarn to make sure it meets her high standards. As far as I can tell her standards include a) it's some kind of yarn b) to check good yarn you have to put it in your mouth c) an even better test is if you can carry it while running, especially if some human is running behind you yelling (probably cheering you on to see how fast you can go with a large ball of yarn in your mouth) d) try to do test b and c without a human around. Then you can check the yardage by unwinding the whole ball and suck your sister Blueberry in even though she doesn't really care for yarn. But she does love a good chase.
Here is a sample of the colors. Here is the YI thinking it's about time standard b went into effect.

Here they are a little closer and the colors are better. I am now watching the YI like a hawk as she has already tried standard b AND c while I was setting yarn out. Though I caught her before she got very far with standard c.
So at Knitty Committe tomorrow I'm working on another DW. They are my favorite dishclothes for multicolored yarn. I do have enough white to make several Kuper clothes (round, short row dishclothes) made famous by Cheryl Kuper who has probably knit a thousand of them.
And I found out today the reason I've been so sick the last few days is because I'm having adreneal insuffiency. Simply put, my body is not making enough steroid to keep me going. So the Dr boosted my intake for today and tomorrow I'm back on 7.5. I'll be at KC if I have to come and lay on the floor!
Thank you.
I love "the look" the YI is giving you! I think she's knows that you're going to mock the gravity of her responsibility on your blog, and she's not happy about it.
While officially I get mad when my cats run off with whole balls of yarn or, as often, entire finished objects, I also secretly cheer them on. Especially if they try to navigate the stairs.
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