Tracksy Web Stats A Knitter's Wonderland: And The Bad News Is...

A Knitter's Wonderland

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland) Needles click, how they glisten, cozy sound, as you listen, they’re stuck everywhere, sit down if you dare, welcome to my knitter’s wonderland. Yarn abounds to overflowing, countless books increase my knowing. I need every bit; I care not a whit if there’s no pathway through my wonderland! In an evening I can make a mitten, start a shawl, a sweater, or a hat. But the question to ask any kitten, is “Do you think she’ll really finish that?”

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

And The Bad News Is...

They changed my Gamma Knife treatment to NEXT Thursday, not this Thursday. And I am NOT a happy camper. It seems the doctors couldn't get their schedules to match. I hope they get it figured out by next week.

Mysister arrived safe and sound but will be going back the Wednesday BEFORE next Thursday. We are having a great visit , I'm just sorry about the way it worked out. I haven't managed to get her into knitting --- YET--- you know how tenacious I can be.

So the good news is we're having a great visit, the bad news is symptoms are starting to pick up, the steroids are making me puff up and for the first time I'm a little anxious about waiting a week (because of how fast this cancer seems to grow).

But as always, I know Who runs my show and He knows the outcome. I am trying to rest patiently with Him. As soon as I get another update, I'll let you know. In the meantime, thanks for all the prayer and support, I really appreciate it!


At 8:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I admire your strength and resolve in coping with this latest stumbling block (the rescheduling of the surgery). Because you are being so good, allow me to express the not-so-saintly qualities: WHAT THE EFF, DOCTORS?? GET IT TOGETHER! WE'RE TALKING CANCER HERE! LET'S MOVE ON THIS, OKAY????

Sorry, I just though they needed to hear that.

At 1:08 AM, Blogger Prayerful Knitter - Shelly said...

Susan, this is unbelievable that they can't get their schedules arranged! I think I'd like to give them a word or two!

Now that I've got that out of the way, rest as easy as possible. Enjoy your sister. And, many more prayers will be said in this coming week.

Please let me know if there is anything at all that you need.

His eye is on the sparrow, and remember how much more he regards you than the little birds.

At 1:28 AM, Blogger Theresa said...

As if you needed more frustation! If only this kind of thing didn't happen so frequently . . . Hang in there. Just one more week . . .


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